Indie Rambles # 13 – Making Sense of Amazon Keywords and Categories

With so many books in the market place, commercially published and self published authors look for ways to increase their revenue. Understanding how the biggest on-line retailer uses keywords and categories is explained by Jo-Ann Carson. Don’t forget to leave a question or comment at the end of the post. And thanks for visiting my…

You Can’t Tell A Book By Its Cover..Well Maybe

Have you ever bought a book because it had a great cover? In today’s market, you can pretty much tell what the book is about when the cover has a women with a beautiful ball gown, a gun on the cover with a bulls eye, a cowboy with no shirt, a rear view of a woman in a thong and two men, a picture of a woman or man with a church in the background.

Is Political Correctness Intellectual Terrorism?

Has the US lost its moral compass? Are we so mired down in tolerating any behavior, any thing that once was considered bad for society?

Have we replaced our core values of honesty, integrity, responsibility, leadership and respect for political correctness? Are we so afraid of expressing what we actually believe because we’re afraid we will be ostracized or called a name.

Stocking Stuffers: Christmas Themed Romances

It’s 23 days until Christmas Day and there are a lot of romances out there with Christmas and the holidays as the theme. Below are some that I have read in the past weeks and reviewed. Please remember these are only my opinions and there are many reviewers with different views. What books do you like to read during the holidays?